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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy 2nd birthday, Lucas!

The last week or so we have been the lucky recipients of rain, rain, and more rain.  As I type this I have no idea how much has come down, and we may not have set any record rainfall amounts, but I can promise you- it's definitely more than normal.  And we're tired of it.  We kindof rely on the weather to be decent when we're planning our shoots...

On Thursday, we managed to squeeze in a birthday shoot for an adorable 2 year old between a couple of quick little showers.  (AND, enjoy a double rainbow.)  What a sweet family!  Thank you, Apryl and Chris for letting us capture some memories of your sweet boy.  It was so cute and fun to watch him splash in those puddles!

Happy birthday, Lucas!!



  1. Thank you so much! Love them!!! Apryl & Chris

  2. These are so crazy cute!!!!!

  3. I love the first one and the second one there all cute though

    Cousin Mariah



Our little buddy


A fun, funky senior!!

{D} Maternity shoot

{D} Maternity shoot
Beautiful, sweet couple

{L} & {O}

Check out these cute siblings and their fun Momma!! What a sweet family!

Baby {N}

A good friend of ours just had baby number 4!! Kudos to her! We had the pleasure of taking Baby N's first photos. Absolutely precious...and-BONUS- it was super nice to catch up with her! We even snuck in a picture of all 4 of the kiddos together. Check out these beautiful babies...