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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blake & Rachael: Engagement Session

Yep, that's right.  That's my baby brother.  For those of you that know me and my family, I'm sure you're wondering how this could be possible.  Blake's all growed up?!??-- and getting married?!?!  I know. 

After a blizzard-spoiled attempt to get their pics taken this winter, Randi and I headed up to Champaign this weekend--finally-- to get this session in.  Although it was a little weird to tell my brother to kiss his fiance for some of the pics (I covered my eyes a little...), I managed to push through in order to get some good shots.  ;)

And, because I'm biased, you get to see LOTS of these shots.  You're welcome. 

Trains are kindof a "thing" in our family, so it was pretty cool when a train came through while we were shooting at the old train depot. 

Aren't they cute?  They are a really sweet, special couple and I can't wait for their big day this summer.  I'm honored to be a part of it, and I pray for God's blessings on your upcoming marriage.    Love you guys!


More Easter Mini's

Man, I'm really behind on my blogging...

We hope everyone had a fantastic Easter!!

~S & R

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Izzy the Easter Pug

We had a little extra time this last weekend, and I happened to have my baby in town with me, so.... after a minor mis-hap on the family room floor... we had a little fun.

Emphasis on WE.  Here's how Izzy felt about it...

Happy Easter!!!

~S, R, and Izzy

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Balloons and Bubbles!!

So, we've been anticipating this 1 yr. shoot for quite some time now.  On the one hand, we were so excited to play and celebrate with him.  On the other hand, we were dreading having to 'say goodbye' to him and his Momma.  Granted, we know we're not actually saying 'goodbye'--(sometimes I'm dramatic, I know)--but we will really miss seeing him every other month and watching him grow & change.

Here is baby {J} the first time we met him... (4 months old)

That day, we laid him down on his back and, clear as day, he said "Hey, Ladies!" in his deep little voice.  We all just about fell over!!  (I'm sure it was just baby mumbo-jumbo, but it absolutely sounded like he was hitting on us...)  Ha!!  Definitely a moment we will always treasure.

Here he is, totally having a ball on his big day!  Not sure who had more fun, us or the birthday boy?!

  We'll look forward to your 2nd birthday, little man!


Easter Sneak Peek #2

Here's another peek at some of our Easter sessions...

Can I just say, again, how much fun we had with all of the families and kids!? 


Monday, April 11, 2011

Easter Sneak Peek #1

 Need I say more?

It was so nice to meet you, Wendy, and your gorgeous babies!  We hope you love your pictures.  :)


Up to our eyeballs...

What we did ALL weekend:

We had fabulous weather (if you don't count the wind on Sunday...) and were able to get all of our Easter shoots done outside.  Yay!  Although you can't tell this from the picture above.  Ha! 
We had so much fun with all of the families that participated.  (One of my favorite parts of the job-- visiting!)Everyone looked so cute all decked out for Easter!

Next up... I'll hopefully post a little sneak peak from each session. 


P.S.  Look at Randi's cute, new haircut!!  Love it!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ask and ye shall receive...

Everyone's asking, so here you go peeps!!  More {J} twins... they ARE the cutest. 

You totally want to take them home with you, don't you???

2 going on 25

As one might assume, photographing young children isn't the easiest job in the world.  Especially under the age of 3.  Not this guy....
He was such a good boy, we felt like we were robbing his mom when she paid us.  HA!  Everything we asked this little guy to do, he did with a huge grin on his face.  How easy is that?!?!  Not only did we have fun making him laugh, we were done in 20 minutes.  Unheard of, folks.
Can't wait til he turns 3!

Here's a couple more shots from the day.  Enjoy!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

the {J} twins

Remember these guys??
One of our very first shoots- we had so much fun catching up with an old friend, and got to snuggle these newborn beauties. 
Look at 'em now!!  So. stinkin'. cute.  And 9 months old already... 

So fun!!!  And they have a super-cool, super laid back momma!  Thanks, M, for letting us capture these memories for you. 


Saturday, April 2, 2011


We got a little swamped the last two days and neglected to post our daily specials.  So sorry.  Put your worries aside, though.  We will extend the specials until the middle of next week.  To take advantage of any of our specials, please book by Wednesday, April 6th. 

TODAY'S SPECIAL--  ********TRASH THE DRESS******  Have you ever imagined what it would be like to just let loose and completely trash something that cost you a lot of money?  Like, say, you're wedding dress?  Or maybe an old bride's maid dress...ok, let's be honest, you'd love to trash ALL of your old bride's maid dresses.  Well, let us capture you one last time in your special dress as we let loose together.  Wade in a puddle, ride a 4-wheeler through a muddy field, wade into the lake... can you imagine how much fun we'll have?!?! 
Just $45 for a hour with us (seriously.  imagine the fun!!!), and a disc full of digital images.

Book by Wednesday, April 6th.  We will book these appointments during the first two weeks of June.

C'mon, ladies!  Let's do this!!!   :)

To see our other specials, visit our FB page via our website:


Our little buddy


A fun, funky senior!!

{D} Maternity shoot

{D} Maternity shoot
Beautiful, sweet couple

{L} & {O}

Check out these cute siblings and their fun Momma!! What a sweet family!

Baby {N}

A good friend of ours just had baby number 4!! Kudos to her! We had the pleasure of taking Baby N's first photos. Absolutely precious...and-BONUS- it was super nice to catch up with her! We even snuck in a picture of all 4 of the kiddos together. Check out these beautiful babies...